
Since a bit over two years I have been an Associate Editor for the scientific journal Annals of Applied Biology – AAB for short. Although at the time I had not engaged much with the journal in particular, I was asked to join the club by Simon Leather, whom has since sadly passed away. AboveContinueContinue reading “Commit!”

I’m taking a break

I’m taking a little break. Like literally! I’m sitting in my car, parked along the side of some back road, under the shade of some friendly birch trees. I thought I had gotten quite good at prepping the little one for an afternoon nap. For months on end it went very well. I would usuallyContinueContinue reading “I’m taking a break”

Who are you!?

It’s been one week since the birth of my daughter. At first, it seemed like our two-year old son really liked having a sister. He was super cute with her, and really careful in touching her. A real caring brother. Nothing makes a father more proud than seeing a young toddler being so caring towardsContinueContinue reading “Who are you!?”

Good old-fashioned health care

Germany and its health care system. What a circus show… Don’t get me wrong, the quality of health care is exceptional, and the people in it have been nothing but friendly and caring. But what a disorganized chaos this system is. My God, it is so old-fashioned here. I already noticed about one and aContinueContinue reading “Good old-fashioned health care”

Unfortunate luxury

Over the past couple of weeks, my boss and I have assessed a long list of candidates for our open PhD position. Considering that we had > 50 applicants, this turns into a serious task. We had the unfortunate luxury that there were quite a few excellent candidates. Having excellent candidates to apply for aContinueContinue reading “Unfortunate luxury”

One afternoon. I think. I hope.

She really came two days too early. I had planned to be finished with everything work-related by the end of last week. And I would have made it, were it not that Lara was too eager to meet her parents and her big brother. She came a couple of days earlier than the ‘due date’,ContinueContinue reading “One afternoon. I think. I hope.”

A reasonably-sized novel

This post marks the half-year point of daily blogging. I started off on the 30th of January, caused by my dissatisfaction with the amount of writing I (get to) do for my job as a scientist. There is just so much – what would you call it – noise? The job supposedly comes with aContinueContinue reading “A reasonably-sized novel”

A faint band – but a band nonetheless

For the past couple of weeks, we have been ‘nesting’ like mad, buying and preparing all kinds of necessary and not-so-necessary things. This nesting behaviour is important for parents-to-be, I remember from the first time how it was an incredibly powerful aspect of the whole process. Especially for me as a dad this pregnancy wasContinueContinue reading “A faint band – but a band nonetheless”

I never thought I would ever prefer home office…

Slowly, but steadily, the end now really is in sight! It took a bit of work, and quite some stress, and even some sleepless nights, but we did it. Last week, we harvested our barley greenhouse experiment. Check! This past weekend I planted my first local Freising tansy field experiment – which consists of leftoverContinueContinue reading “I never thought I would ever prefer home office…”

A flower feast

Not much to see here today – except some pictures of the new field experiment. I went out to water the plants this afternoon, and the fields were – quite literally – buzzing with activity. This is the first year that I actively work on this plant species, Tansy, as a model system. (I haveContinueContinue reading “A flower feast”