Publications and work in progress

Feel free to connect to my scientific network on ResearchGate

Petrén, H., Ania, R.A., Aragam, K.S., Bräutigam, A., Eckert, S., Heinen, R., Jakobs, R., Ojeda-Prieto, L.M., Popp. M., Sasidharan, R., Schnitzler, J-P., Steppuhn, A., Thon, F., Tschikin, S., Unsicker, S.B., van Dam, N.M., Weisser, W.W., Wittmann, M.J., Yepes, S., Ziaja, D., Müller, C., & Junker, R. R. (under review Ecological Monographs). Understanding the phytochemical diversity of plants: Quantification, variation and ecological function. (bioRxiv preprint: 10.1101/2023.03.23.533415).

Rahimova, H.#, Neuhaus-Harr, A.#, Clancy, M. V., Guo, Y., Junker, R. R., Ojeda-Prieto, L., Petrén, H., Senft, M., Zytynska, S.E., Weisser, W.W, Heinen, R., & Schnitzler, J. P. (under review Oikos). Geographic distribution of terpenoid chemotypes in Tanacetum vulgare mediates tansy aphid occurrence and abundance. (bioRxiv preprint: 10.1101/2023.06.19.545570). #Equal contributions

Ojeda-Prieto, L., Medina-van Berkum, P., Unsicker, S., Heinen, R.,* & Weisser, W. W.* (minor revision Plant Biology). Intraspecific chemical variation of Tanacetum vulgare at plant and plot level affects plant growth and reproductive traits in field plant communities. (bioRxiv preprint: 10.1101/2023.03.27.534338). *Shared supervision

Sanchez-Mahecha, O., Klink, S., Rothballer, M., Sturm, S., Weisser, W.W., Zytynska, S., Heinen, R. (2024) Microbe-induced plant resistance against insect pests depends on timing of inoculation, but is consistent across climatic conditions. Functional Ecology (bioRxiv preprint: 10.1101/2023.09.07.556616).

36) Neuhaus-Harr, A.,# Ojeda Prieto, L.M.,# Eilers, E., Müller, C., Weisser, W.W., & Heinen, R. (2024) Chemodiversity affects preference for Tanacetum vulgare chemotypes in two aphid species. Oikos (bioRxiv preprint: 10.1101/2023.03.16.532937)
#Equal contributions


35) Zhu, Y., Veen, G.F., Heinen, R., Jiang, M., Wang, D., Jin, H., & Bakker, E.S. (2023). Large mammalian herbivores affect arthropod food webs via changes in vegetation characteristics and microclimate. Journal of Ecology. 10.1111/1365-2745.14163

34) Png, G.K., De Long, J.R., Fry, E.L., Heinen, R., Heinze, J., Morriën, E., Sapsford, S., & Teste, F. P. (2023). Plant-soil feedback: the next generation. Plant and Soil. 10.1007/s11104-023-06000-y

33) De Long, J.R., Heinen, R., Heinze, J., Morriën, E., Png Gouchen, K., Sapsford, S. and Teste, F., and Fry, E.L. (2023). Plant-soil feedbacks: conflicting terminology and underrepresented areas of study. Plant and Soil. 10.1007/s11104-023-05908-9

32) Heinen, R., Sanchez-Mahecha, O., Bezemer, T.M., Dominoni, D., Kollmann, J., Pfeiffer, Z.A., Schloter, M., Sturm, S., Vlot, C., & Weisser, W.W. (2023). Part-night exposure to artificial light at night has more detrimental effects on aphid colonies than fully lit nights. Philosophical Transactions B 10.1098/rstb.2022.0357. (open access bioRxiv preprint: 10.1101/2022.10.24.513514)

31) Harvey, J.A., Tougeron, K., Gols, R., Heinen, R., et al. (2023) Scientists’ warning on climate change and insects. Ecological Monographs. 10.1002/ecm.1553


30) Sanchez-Mahecha, O., Klink, S., Heinen, R., Rothballer, M., & Zytynska, S., (2022). Impaired AHL signalling increases microbial-induced plant resistance to herbivores across variable abiotic and biotic environments. Plant, Cell & Environment. 10.1111/pce.14399

29) De Long, J.R.#, Heinen, R.#, Hannula, S.E., Jongen, R., Steinauer, K., & Bezemer, T.M. (2022). Plant-litter-soil feedbacks in common grass species are slightly negative and only marginally modified by litter exposed to insect herbivory. Plant & Soil. 10.1007/s11104-022-05590-3
#Equal contributions

28) Huberty, M., Steinauer, K., Heinen, R., Jongen, R., Hannula, S.E., Choi, Y.H., & Bezemer, T.M. (2022). Temporal changes in plant soil feedback effects on microbial networks, leaf metabolomics and plant-insect interactions. Journal of Ecology. 10.1111/1365-2745.13872

27) Heinen, R., Thakur, M.P., Hiddes-De Fries, J., Steinauer, K., Vandenbrande, S., Jongen, R., & Bezemer, T.M. (2022). Foliar herbivory creates subtle soil legacy effects that alter future herbivores via changes in plant community biomass allocation. Functional Ecology. 10.1111/1365-2435.14006


26) Heinen, R., (2021) A spotlight on the phytobiome: plant-mediated interactions in an illuminated world. Basic and Applied Ecology. doi: 10.1016/j.baae.2021.10.007

25) Jongen, R., Hannula, S.E., De Long, J.R., Heinen, R., Huberty, M., Steinauer, K., & Bezemer, T.M. (2021) Plant community legacy effects on nutrient cycling, fungal decomposer communities and decomposition in a temperate grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108450

24) Hannula, S.E.#, Heinen, R.#, Huberty, M., Steinauer, K., De Long, J.R., Jongen, R., & Bezemer, T.M. (2021) Persistence of plant-mediated microbial soil legacy effects in soil and inside roots. Nature Communications. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-25971-z #Equal contributions

23) Geisen, S., Heinen, R., Andreou, E., van Lent, T., ten Hooven, F., & Thakur, M.P., (2021) Contrasting effects of soil microbial interactions on growth‐defence relationships between early‐ and mid‐successional plant communities. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.17609


22) Gomes, S.I.F., Kielak, A.M., Hannula, S.E., Heinen, R., Jongen, R., Keesmaat, I., De Long, J.R., & Bezemer, T.M. (2020) Microbiomes of a specialist caterpillar contain core bacteria but also resemble the soil microbial community. Animal Microbiome.

21) Harvey, J.A.#, Heinen, R.#, Gols, R.#, Thakur, M.P.#. (2020). Climate change-mediated temperature extremes and insects: from outbreaks to breakdowns. Global Change Biology. doi: 10.1111/gcb.15377
#Equal contributions

20) Heinen, R., Steinauer, K., De Long, J.R., Jongen, R., Biere, A., Harvey, J.A., & Bezemer, T.M. (2020). Exogenous application of plant hormones in the field alters aboveground plant-insect responses and belowground nutrient availability, but does not lead to differences in plant-soil feedbacks. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. doi: 10.1007/s11829-020-09775-4

19) De Long, J.R., Heinen, R., Jongen, R., Hannula, S.E., Huberty, M., Kielak, A.M., Steinauer, K., & Bezemer, T.M., (2020) How plant-soil feedback maternal effects influence the next generation of plants. Ecological Research. doi: 10.1111/1440-1703.12165
This paper received the 22nd Ecological Research Paper Award at the Ecological Society of Japan.

18) Schneijderberg, M., Cheng, X., Franken, C., de Hollander, M., van Velzen, R., Schmitz, L., Heinen, R., Geurts, R., van der Putten, W.H., Bezemer, T.M, & Bisseling, T. (2020). Quantitative comparison between the rhizosphere effect of Arabidopsis thaliana and co-occurring plant species with a longer life history. The ISME Journal. doi: 10.1038/s41396-020-0695-2

17) Steinauer, K., Heinen, R., Hannula, S.E., De Long, J.R., Huberty, M., Jongen, R., Wang, M., and Bezemer, T.M. (2020) Above-belowground linkages of functionally dissimilar plant communities and soil properties in a grassland experiment. Ecosphere. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.3246

16) Huberty, M., Choi, Y.H., Heinen, R., & Bezemer, T.M. (2020). Aboveground plant metabolomic responses to plant-soil feedbacks and herbivory. Journal of Ecology, 108, 1703-1712. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13394

15) Heinen, R.#, Hannula, S.E.#, De Long, J.R.#, Huberty, M., Jongen, R., Kielak, A.M., Steinauer, K., Zhu, F., & Bezemer, T.M. (2020). Soil legacies mediated by plant community traits steer grassland vegetation. Ecology Letters, 23, 973-982. doi: 10.1111/ele.13497
#Equal contributions 

14) Harvey, J.A., Heinen, R., et al. (2020). International scientists formulate a roadmap for insect conservation and recovery. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 4, 174–176. doi: 10.1038/s41559-019-1079-8 



13) Hannula, S.E., Kielak, A.M., Steinauer, K., Huberty, M., Jongen, R., De Long, J.R., Heinen, R., & Bezemer, T.M., (2019). Time after time: Temporal variation in the effects of plant species and plant functional groups on soil bacterial and fungal communities. mBio. doi: 10.1128/mBio.02635-19

12) Heinen, R., Biere, A., & Bezemer, T.M., (2019). Plant traits interactively shape soil legacy effects on individual plant-insect interactions. Oikos, 129, 261-273. doi: 10.1111/oik.06812

11) De Long, J.R., Heinen, R., Steinauer, K., Hannula, S.E., Huberty, M., Jongen, R., Vandenbrande, S., Wang, M., Zhu, F., & Bezemer, T.M. (accepted). Taking plant-soil feedbacks to the field in a temperate grassland. Basic and Applied Ecology. 40, 30-42. doi: 10.1016/j.baae.2019.08.001

10) Hannula, S.E.#, Zhu, F.#, Heinen, R.#, & Bezemer, T.M.# (2019). Foliar-feeding insects acquire microbiomes from the soil rather than the host plant. Nature Communications. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-09284-w #Equal contributions

9) Heinen, R. & Harvey, J.A. (2019). Spatial and temporal diversity in hyperparasitoid communities of Cotesia glomerata on garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata. Ecological Entomology. doi:10.1111/een.12710 


8) Harvey, J. A., Visser, B., Lammers, M., Marien, J., Gershenzon, J., Ode, P., Heinen, R., Gols, R., & Ellers, J. (2018). Ant-like traits in wingless parasitoids repel attack from wolf spiders. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 44(10), 894-904. doi:10.1007/s10886-018-0989-2

7) Zhu, F.#, Heinen, R.#, Van der Sluijs, M., Raaijmakers, C., Biere, A., & Bezemer, T. M. (2018). Species-specific plant soil feedbacks affect gene expression and defense chemistry in Plantago lanceolata. Oecologia, 188(3), 801-811. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12907 #Equal contributions

6) Heinen, R., Biere, A., Harvey, J. A., & Bezemer, T. M. (2018). Effects of soil organisms on aboveground plant-insect interactions in the field: patterns, mechanisms and the role of methodology. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. doi:10.3389/fevo.2018.00106

5) Heinen, R., van der Sluijs, M., Biere, A., Harvey, J. A., & Bezemer, T. M. (2018). Plant community composition but not plant traits determine the outcome of soil legacy effects on plants and insects. Journal of Ecology106(3), 1217-1229. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.12907


4) Harvey, J. A., Essens, T. A., Las, R. A., van Veen, C., Visser, B., Ellers, J., Heinen, R., & Gols, R. (2017). Honey and honey-based sugars partially affect reproductive trade-offs in parasitoids exhibiting different life-history and reproductive strategies. Journal of Insect Physiology98, 134-140. doi:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2016.12.003

3) Gussekloo, S. W., Berthaume, M. A., Pulaski, D. R., Westbroek, I., Waarsing, J. H., Heinen, R., Grosse, I., & Dumont, E. R. (2017). Functional and evolutionary consequences of cranial fenestration in birds. Evolution71(5), 1327-1338. doi:10.1111/evo.13210


2) Harvey, J. A., Fei, M., Lammers, M., Kos, M., Zhu, F., Heinen, R., Poelman, E.H., & Gols, R. (2016). Development of a solitary koinobiont hyperparasitoid in different instars of its primary and secondary hosts. Journal of Insect Physiology90, 36-42. doi:10.1016/j.jinsphys.2016.05.006

1) Heinen, R., Gols, R., & Harvey, J. A. (2016). Black and garlic mustard plants are highly suitable for the development of two native pierid butterflies. Environmental Entomology45(3), 671-676. doi:10.1093/ee/nvw024